James Busby High School

Excellence, Equality, Respect, Safety

Telephone02 9607 7766


From the principal

Welcome to the James Busby High School website.

In 2019, we will formally become a positive behaviour for learning school. Part of our preparation for this was to gain consensus from our school community for our school values.

They are:

  • equality
  • excellence
  • respect
  • safety.

These values are underpinned by the Department of Education’s behaviour code, anti-bullying policy, wellbeing framework and our student expectations. At James Busby High School students are expected to:

  • arrive at school on time
  • be in uniform
  • have all equipment necessary for learning
  • be on time for and attend all lessons
  • be respectful of others, teachers and themselves
  • follow all reasonable requests
  • be safe and respectful on the playground
  • strive for excellence in everything they do
  • proudly represent their school.

Another exciting development has been the launch of our new school logo, as can be seen on our website and mantra, ‘Scholars today, Leaders tomorrow’. Our students initiated this change and were instrumental in making this happen.

At James Busby High School, we currently have an enrolment of 700 students, including 45 Aboriginal students and 75% from a language background other than English. Our school is a comprehensive high school that supports a diverse student population through an extensive range of learning, wellbeing and individualised programs and additional staffing. This is possible through the supplementary funding we receive through the government’s Resource Allocation Model equity funding. Our school also has a 10 class Support Unit that supports students with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities and students with Autism.

Our school has developed a strong collaborative culture with our parents and community and focuses on quality teaching, improving literacy and numeracy outcomes and ensuring the wellbeing needs of our students are supported. We take pride in the number of ways in which we are able to support the academic, emotional and social needs of our students. We are a school that is characterised as being responsive to the individual needs of our students and community and one that focuses on preparing our students for the world that they will inhabit. Our hope is that our students leave us as well educated resilient young adults who can make positive contributions to this complex and ever-changing world.

“Our task is to educate their (our students) whole being so that they can face the future. We may not see the future, but they will and our job is to help them make something of it.” Ken Robinson (May 2013).

Olimpia Bartolillo