James Busby High School

Excellence, Equality, Respect, Safety

Telephone02 9607 7766



English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Vision statement  

The English faculty vision reflects our value of life-long learning. We focus on extending students expectations of themselves and their academic ability. Through a collaborative approach to teaching and learning, which is embedded in our practice, we are committed to continually reviewing and updating units of learning and teaching and learning styles, in order to involve and connect students, and facilitate achievement. Our focus is to ensure that English lessons are engaging, stimulating and in turn encourage our students to learn.

About the English faculty

English staff celebrate student success and establish a culture of high expectations in classrooms. Each year we offer a variety of extra-curricular learning opportunities that allow students to strengthen their skills across a range of English and Language focus areas. We expect to see these opportunities grow with each coming year. Our faculty is comprised of highly trained teachers who are always willing to support student learning.

Our staff are part of a network of teachers in the Sydney region that collaborate to share ideas, principles and strategies relating to English pedagogy and its implementation within programs, formative and summative assessment tasks within subject area.

Our staff members are affiliated with the following institutions through membership and/or professional development:

  • English Teachers Association (ETA)
  • Erudio Education
  • Drama NSW.


  • Mrs N Champion - Head Teacher
  • Ms M Welfare - Head Teacher (Relieving) / LOTE Teacher
  • Mr D Timar - English Teacher
  • Mr N Khan - English Teacher / Yr 10 Assistant Adviser
  • Ms K Diep - English Teacher 
  • Ms S Nassif - English Teacher 
  • Ms M Khan - English Teacher
  • Ms C Phan - English Teacher


​Debating, public speaking and writing competitions

Students are provided with opportunities throughout the year to participate in school based debating competitions, National and State writing competitions such as 'Write4fun' and public speaking at events such as 'Speaking 4 the planet'.

Student development

English staff regularly co-ordinate incursions and excursions for students providing them with real-world experiences. Students have the privilege to attend events such as, live performances of plays and listen to guest speakers. We actively promote literacy in all courses and its importance in day-to-day activities.

Information and communications technology, iPads, Apps and Websites

Staff actively use engaging and interactive Apps such as Kahoot and Edmodo, an educational networking site that facilitates the use of resources, class discussions, homework and assignments in a 21st century and collaborative framework. We have a bank of iPads that students have access to during English lessons and encourage the generation of personal websites through Project Based Learning.  


Our English teachers are part of a network of teachers in the Sydney region that collaborate to share ideas, principles and strategies relating to English pedagogy and its implementation within programs, formative and summative assessment tasks within subject area.

Our staff members are affiliated with the following institutions through membership and/or professional development:

  • English Teachers Association (ETA)
  • Erudio Education
  • Drama NSW. 


Over the year, various forms of assessment tasks are used in English to evaluate student learning and understanding in each year group, and for all subjects offered.

All students are provided with an assessment notification at least 2 weeks prior to each scheduled task being held. It is important that students read and understanding this information and seek clarification, where necessary, well in advance of that task occurring.

Information about assessment tasks in English are communicated to students and parents through the SkoolBag App, and also located on the assessment and reporting section of this site.